Thursday, 19 November 2015

Closing The Gaps

There was an wonderful post by ST sir titled "Closing the Gap". From today onwards, i will be posting two charts.

Please read the full post on ST sir blog. Link to the Post.

No. 1 Chart will be showing the actual trades taken by me

No 2 chart will show the view in hindsight

This exercise will allow me to compare my actual performance to the idle performance and will enable me to correct on my deficiencies and help me in closing the Gaps.


  1. Great to see so much efforts. U are indirectly inspiring me. Thanks. good luck.

  2. Thanks Charls, for your encouragement. Presently i am suffering from overtrading. Can you guide me how to avoid that as when i sit in the morning for trading, its on my mind that i will not over trade today. But some how, when i start indulging in the market analysis, i start involving in the overtrading or revengtrading. Some how i am able to restrict it to some minor effect but still i use to indulge in overtrading every now and then! I don't know why.

    Can you show me the path ahead.

  3. I am going through the same problems. Revenge trading causing huge losses. But I can suggest some ways which i am trying to follow.
    First read this post from URD :
    U may make some 4-5 points checklist & use it before entering a trade
    Avoid TST trades altogether.
    Problem with me is I follow the rules for few days & revert back to old habit.
    It surely will take time.
    Hope this helps.

  4. Dear DP Trading,
    You should have a solid money management policy. I advice to follow these links which will definitely shed some light. Finally you are the person who needs to formulate it according to your risk tolerance and personality.

    Here comes the master of all, inventor of price action trading.

    Thinking this would surely help you.


  5. Dear Charles & Dinil

    Thanks for your guidance. Surely these points will help me.



